Friday 31 January 2014

Hana: Setsubun Bean Throwing Day

Hey everyone! It's the end of January, and I thought I talk a little bit about a day called 節分(Setsubun), or 'Seasonal Division', happening on the 3rd of February.

It's the day before the beginning of the spring, and we celebrate it by doing something called 豆まき(Mame maki), or 'bean throwing'.

The oldest male in the household (or headmale... usually fathers or grandfathers if they're up for it) wear a 鬼(oni) demon mask, while the rest of the household throws 福豆(Fuku mame) 'fortune beans', which are roasted dry soybeans, at the masked-man, chanting: 鬼は外、福は内(Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi) 'Demon out, luck in". 

The demon is chased out of the house this way, and once the demon is banished, everybody in the household eats the beans. The amount varies from person to person, as you are only meant to eat the same amount as your age. 

This is mainly done in households with younger children and kindergartens, as it is a fun activity for the children. Around this day, children usually spend time making masks of demons for displays or for their fathers to wear. It is supposed to drive the bad things out of the house and bringing good luck in for the coming spring.

It was the highlight of my kindergarten days, as one of the teachers would dress up as a scary demon. It was usually the teacher we didn't like, so you can imagine why throwing the beans at them would be entertaining Ψ(`▽´)Ψ

Anyway, this is the end of my post. I'm not sure if there are roasted soybeans available in your area, but if you can find them, it's certainly recommended that you try... it's fun (for everybody, but especially the kids) as long as you tidy up the beans you throw on the floor (*^_^*)

It's a good way to start the spring, in my opinion anyway ♡

Have a nice weekend, and see you next Friday!!

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Rin✿ Gyaru style - Agejo ♪

Hello again, everyone!
I've had a massive headache the past
few days, so I apologise for this blog's lateness!
Anyway... Today's topic is: gyaru style!
And I've chosen "Agejo" as the first style
to post about, as it's my favourite♥

I think my favourite aspects of Agejo are
the hair and fashion. Sujimori is a common hair style
in many subs of gyaru, but the accessories used in Agejo
give me the feeling of being cute, but still being a little sexy, too♪

I've been seeing a lot of my gyaru
friends wear their hair in an up-do, as the
photo about has it, but it's also styled down
a lot, too!

As you might have noticed,
the main colours for fashions are black,
pink, and white! Those are the most common
colours to see Agejo gyaru wearing.

A few of my favourite gyaru,
are Saiharii...

And Lizzie Bee!

The most popular magazine for this style
is Ageha, which I mentioned in my 
introduction post. In case anyone is curious,
you can find Ageha magazine here→

Moving on, the make up is, lately,
a lot more subtle than it use to be in

Still, the basic rules of gyaru make still apply.
Eye liner, false (top & bottom) lashes,
and contouring being the main things!
Even if your nose is small already, your make up
doesn't look as complete if your contouring isn't done❤
The most common lip style is nude with gloss,
but some gyaru also wear more pink colours,
and sometimes even red!

Now, maybe you wonder what exactly
Agejo style is? The types of clothes?
Sure, you know the colours, but just throwing
any pink, black and white outfit won't exactly be Agejo.
So, you should look at the "Ma*rs" brand,
which is usually most Agejo's favourite brand♪


There's lots of ways to be gyaru,
but I feel Agejo is really distinct, and it's
definitely my favourite out of the sub styles❤
If you'd like a little more information on 
Agejo style, please check out these links♪

And as always you can look on Youtube
for countless style, make up, and hair tutorials!
I hope you all enjoyed this brief look at Agejo❤


Monday 27 January 2014

Beth; Recent cute buys

Hey guys! So I’m Beth! My page has a small introduction but I thought I’d give you a larger one here, I’m 17 years old and animal crazy!
I studied animal care at college so I know a tonne about looking after loads of different animals, sadly my parents aren’t as keen as me, so at home I only have a dog two cats and a bunch of tropical fish (>д<)

I’ll tell you guys about a bunch of cute products I got recently okay?

No.1 is cat tights!

 (That’s me wearing them and next to me is my adorable cat angel)
These are so cute! They have cat tails on the back and they’re comfy and feel like they’re made of pretty strong material, cat lovers and cute lovers should all definitely own a pair.

No.2 is Japanese doll liquid eyeliner
(Hana got me some from japan for my birthday!)
This is super easy to apply and remove and if you have sensitive skin like me it doesn’t itch like some liquid liners do, which is super important if you don't want to keep rubbing your eyes and always end up looking like a panda.

And finally no.3 the cat money box!
  (I got this from my parents for Christmas)

This thing is the cutest okay?
When you put money on the button, the box lid opens and this cute little cat face and arm pops and paws the money into the box, the downside of it is that the noise can get a bit irritating after a while if you have a lot of change you want to put in it, however the cute noise and motions it makes definitely make you want to save up!

thank you for reading!
I'm sorry I've been so late to post but honestly I've been scared that my blogging/writing skills couldn't compare to hana and rin's so I've been putting it off..
but i've posted now!
bye bye <3


Friday 24 January 2014

Hana: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Hello! It's Friday again, which means it's my turn♡

Rin's post reminded me that I still haven't thought about what to get for Valentines Day... but I suppose I can wait a little longer (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و 

Have you heard of a J-Pop singer called Kyary Pamyu Pamyu? If not, you may recognize one of her music videos which went viral a couple of years ago:

The artist herself is very iconic, with cute-borderline-crazy fashion and the catchy music with the quirky music videos. 

She did a world tour in 2013, and now returns with a second world tour: なんだこれくしょんツアーNanda Collection Tour. 

AND, I managed to get tickets to see her live again  ヾ(*≧∀≦)ノ゙ 

I went in 2013 when she visited Sheperd's Bush O2 in London, and absolutely loved it. She came on stage with the PONPONPON (video above) costume. It was amazing, I had so much fun!! 

Generally, a lot of people came in cosplay of Kyary's music videos, or fashion/style inspired by her and Harajuku fashion. We had to wait outside for a long time but it was nice to see everybody dressed up.

This photo above was posted after the concert took place. If you zoom in enough, you can see a glimpse of my friends and I in the second row! (*ノェノ)

I couldn't take many pictures as my phone got drained of battery before the end of the night, but it was one of the best concerts I have ever been to ♡

You can buy tickets for Kyary's World Tour here:


Couldn't find a Europe one, sorry!

I'll leave you with one of my favourite Kyary Pamyu Pamyu songs, Cherry Bon Bon.

Have a good weekend, and see you next Friday♡

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Rin✿ Valentine's Day?

Hello, everyone!
I had something I wanted to write about today,
but since there wasn't any proper lighting for photos,
I decided to keep that for another time.
So, for today's post (which is quite late, I apologise),
I thought I'd talk about the closest holiday...

Valentine's Day!
Yes, I know it's early... But I absolutely
can not wait for it, I love it so much!
The cute decorations, the yummy chocolate...
I'm so excited!

We can all guess about how Valentine's day is
celebrated in western countries, but what about in
more foreign places? Specifically, Japan?

In Japan, much like in America, Valentine's Day
is a day for you to shower your sweet-heart with chocolates,
but... Probably not flowers! In Japan, Valentines Day is when
the women give chocolate to the men, and making home made chocolate is very popular, and it usually
means a lot more than buying some.

I'd really like to teach you about the types of chocolate
that are typically given in Japan!

First, you have "giri choco" (gee-ree cho-co), which means
"obligatory chocolate". This is usually not very decorative chocolate, in my experience, and is given to men who you have no love interest in, such as your boss, co-worker, and male friends.

The second is "honmei choco" (hown-may cho-co), which means
"true feeling chocolate". This is my really beautiful looking usually,
because this is given to the man that women like as more than a friend, such as a boyfriend or husband, and on special occasions, some people might even give them to a boy they have a crush on as a 告白 (confession)!

However, my favourite kind of chocolate on Valentine's Day
is called "tomo choco" (toe-moe cho-co) which is "Friendship Chocolate". This chocolate is given to men and women with which you are good friends with, and is usually cute! The last time I was in Japan, my friends and I all made this chocolate together when they got out of juku.

With all the chocolate to buy in Japan, especially ones that are
nicely arranged, it's safe to say that stores are usually crowded this time of year, and usually with very pretty decorations to make the chocolate look even more tempting ♡

So, that's about all I can give you on Valentine's Day in Japan!
Of course, it's much more exciting when you're participating than when you're just looking at photos (and also nerve wracking if you've got a crush!), but I hope that maybe you've learned a little bit, too! Oh, and one more thing...

You may be wondering, at this point,
"What do the guys give the girls in Japan on Valentine's day?"
And my answer to you, is nothing.

That's right, girls don't receive anything on Valentine's Day, and sure, that might seem unfair now... But, the truth is, girls get a whole day to their own, too, just like the men do!

Each year on March 14th is "White Day", which is just like Valentine's Day, only for us this time! The presents are pretty much the same, on guys tend to give their girl friends gifts such as lingerie and cute items along with chocolate; I've been told even a dinner date if they can get off work/school soon enough!

How fun is that? I personally love White day, heehee!

Until next time♪


Friday 17 January 2014

Hana: Introduction posts and pictures of food

Hello everyone!

My name is Hana and I'll be posting blogs on Fridays. I'm super excited to be doing this with Beth and Rin, who are both wonderful. ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ.+゚ 

Since it's the first entry by me, I'm going to do a brief introduction. A lot of it is already on my page that Rin has kindly created for me, but here goes:

I'm 19 years old as of 10th January (WOO) and currently live in the UK. I attend college so much of my week is spent doing college work and such, unfortunately, but I'm hoping to attend university in September. Σd(ゝω・o)

My absolute favourite films right now are Up, Monsters Inc., Monsters University and Despicable Me. I know I'm 19, but I just can't get enough of those CG animated movies. Because of my near-obsession with Monsters University, my birthday cake was Mike Wazowski:

(I turned 1, mentally speaking)

I'm not sure if I have a style like Beth or Rin, and I'm always usually neck-deep in something or another, but I hope to post about lots of different kinds of things (`・ω´・ ●)

Anyway, yesterday my boyfriend came around for dinner and I made him a Japanese meal - something of a comfort food for me, since I was born and raised in Japan.

I made トンカツ(Tonkatsu), 炊き込みご飯(Takikomi Gohan) and onion soup. I was nervous the domestic Japanese food wouldn't suit his taste buds but he seemed to like it, especially the fried pork cutlets.

(mismatching plates, woo)

Cooking is a hobby of mine when I'm not fangirling over CG animated movies, and I plan to do a lot more in 2014 since I'm trying to have a healthier lifestyle. 

Before I finish this week's post, I have a question for Rin:

Where can I find those Ageha magazine scans you mentioned in your post? I'd love to look at them too, since those magazines have great beauty tips.

Anwyay, thank you for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed it!!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Rin✿ Who's who

Hello, everyone!
As my first post, of course, is an introduction, hehe♪
My name's Rin, I'm 21 years old and live in America!
(My profile has a lot more information, if you're curious♥)
So, today? I thought I'd tell you a five things that
I just can't live without ★

To start off...

Jergens Natural Glow lotion!
It makes my skin really soft and pretty,
so I like it a lot! A few weeks ago they had
a sale at Walmart, so I got a couple of them ♥

Next, is Ageha magazine!

I know it might seem silly to some people,
but I enjoy reading it so much that I just
can't get enough of it! I wish I could
afford to buy it here, but it's super expensive,
so I spend a lot of time looking at scans ♥

Third, is my Dolly Wink eyeliner!

 I really like the cute packaging,
and it's really easy to use; plus the colour
is nice and dark, and it doesn't smear as easily
as the eyeliner here does ♪

Fourth, would be my falsies!
Eyelashes, of course ✿

Without lashes I'd never be able to make my
eyes look as nice as they do, so I absolutely love them!
Unfortunately they don't sell bottom lashes here,
so I'm going to have to wait to have a favourite there.

Last, but not least-
My cellphone, of course!

Without my phone I'd never be able to
talk to my friends about make up and fashion,
and send them all the random photos I take 
throughout the day, so it's safe to say
this is the most important thing that I couldn't
live without ♥

Thanks for reading this far, and I hope next
week's post will be a little more interesting♪
Can't wait! Don't forget to check out both
Beth and Hana's profiles, and look out for their
future posts, as well ♥
